25 February 2021

a small picture of large ambitions; the mouse that roared


Evening Prayer Brunswick Heads, 12 February, 2021, oil on canvas board, 25 X 20 cm

Sometimes I really think I should have been a wedding cake designer. I have this thing about pastel colours that collide into one another, where paint slithers over itself in esculent carefree pleasure.

There is a delectable something about bleached peach when colluding with lemon yellow pasted over a thin sky. Above these layers is the palest of blue which reaches up high over my head, and,,,, ask anyone, it really does look like this.

The flat sea has crackles in the paint which whisper of old patinas but this is caused by accidents during transport which I don't seem to be able to discourage. It might evoke the past, but it's over the horizon line where infinity blurs into the hazy future.

This is a very small picture with large ambitions, it's a mouse that roars.

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