Silent heart-
This wall clock
Of the New Year.
First flower,
First bird.
Stars tonight,
Ground to powder-
The Smokey Way!
The bamboo-
Where else?
But up!
Seems a shame
To clean spider webs
On Christmas day.
For some reason
When the sea breeze rolls in
The magpies hide.
At the gas pump
Mahler, too...
Cries for love.
Christmas parties-
You're right to close up tonight
Young Kookaburra-
Same cry
Different tree.
Twittering trees-
Blue butterflies
There are mornings
When I look forward
To rain.
Beautiful mornings-
There are so many
Made of dragons.
Over weeks
Come to graze.
Just so! Summer field-
Black cows to the left
White to the right.
Twilight beach-
Come, let's shuffle
Among sand crabs.
Half asleep-
What are your dreams
A bouquet of weeds-
An offering
Trees to clouds
The moon was that big.
Bush turkey-
You don't know my name,
Nor I, yours.
Rainy season-
From the salt shaker,
Tears flood!
On the palm tree-
Christmas lights, already
Display sadness.
Either side
Of the garbage bin
Magpies seem to pray.
While looking at
The poinciana tree,
I forgot the sunset.
Look at the purple clouds
And friendships ended!
Wearing diapers
Is what I hear.
Morning crows.
Chicken shit-
That's all you get for breakfast
Tomato plant!