18 July 2024

Trump Squeeze

Evening Prayer Brunswick Heads, 10 June 2024, oil on canvas board, 30 x 25 cm

Will there be a place for poets in a new muscular Conservative America where its leaders have channeled fictional television stars?

While so many of us watch on with horror, the American Experience undergoes a new chapter wherein the wrench has been turned tighter to the hard right. Where will it end? Can the system withstand another round of a Trump Squeeze on our America?  

Will queer folk be carted off along with the undocumented people who pick our fruit and vegetables? Will creating Art in America return to an older and conservative postcard of America?

Like most of them, this study from almost a month ago, came quickly. We've had lots of rain for weeks on end so I've only been out to the beach sporadically. But according to the Méteo we seem to have a string of clear, crispy, and cold days ahead of us providing me with many opportunities at the beach.

But the Trump Squeeze pressing America at the moment gives me pause to reflect upon how fragile our system really is in this new world of Reality Television. Maybe it was inevitable that it came to this but nothing is a given. Look at what's happened to the poor people of Ukraine. Only eighty years ago it happened in Europe. Ouch.

The Right Wing in America (and elsewhere) is a dangerous Christian Nationalist movement that tolerates little outside of its marrow-minded boundaries. It's a kind Marxist state itself, and they must know it themselves because they try to hang that moniker on the rest of us in America. It's Trump's favourite grade school antic, accusing his adversaries of the behaviour he, himself, is guilty of himself. Ha Ha... I won't bore you anymore with this as most you all know it already. But hey! I get to vent once in a while.

I like the study above very much even if it's not great, it's mine. And in this difficult moment of gaslighting, I can at least tell the truth as I see it.    

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