20 July 2024

Pinkie promise!!


This will be my last post about politics! I promise! Really! A Pinkie promise!!

But, just out of curiosity, I was wondering how many others out there have experienced the following phenomenon this past week which goes like this: How many others, friends and otherwise, have you met in the past few days who regretted Trump survival after the assassination attempt by a lone American with an AK-15 military grade weapon?

Of course, we should be glad that all the news organisations around the world, even the most renegade ones to the left, have showed discipline in their messaging that violence is not an option in America, but just how many people really feel this deeply in their hearts?

What does that say about us? In America, and for many around the globe who believe that Trump is another form of cancer like Hitler, assassination seems appropriate. 

This is an extreme position for extreme circumstances and one that I find dicey, as it raises a host of morally uncomfortable questions for me and maybe you too?

I don't have a concrete response to these nuanced feelings about this event except that I too, need to believe that political violence is a troubling path to a destructive end for America, and/or any country for that matter. 

So for me it's more of a practical solution despite my hesitant mindset and moral weakness. It's about making a wise choice for myself, rather like sticking to a diet by not consuming foods that I know I really want to eat, but at the same time, knowing they're not good for me. More precisely, they're not helpful to my decision to respect the diet I've chosen to follow in the very first place. 

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